CE Distinguished Seminar - Prof. Christophe Moser

Date and Time Date and Time

2023-10-27 14:00

2023-10-27 14:00

Map Location

ENG 208

CE Distinguished Seminar - Prof. Christophe Moser

3D printing has revolutionized the manufacturing of volumetric components and structures in many areas. Several fully volumetric light-based techniques have been recently developed thanks to the advent of photocurable resins, reaching print time of few tens of seconds while keeping sub 100 um resolution. Our group has pioneered Volumetric Additive Manufacturing (VAM) using reverse tomography, a revolutionary approach that solidifies a three-dimensional object in seconds by irradiating a photosensitive resin from multiple angles with dynamically reconfigured two-dimensional patterns. We will review a variety of materials that have been reported by several groups including ours and that includes soft cell loaded hydrogels, acrylates, glass, ceramics that have been printed with volumetric printing. However, these new approaches only work with homogeneous and relatively transparent resins. We will show a method that considers light scattering in the resin prior to computing projection patterns. Using a tomographic volumetric printer, we experimentally demonstrate that implementation of this correction is critical when printing objects whose size exceeds the scattering mean free path.

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Speaker Information

Christophe Moser started his career as an engineer at Hexagon Metrology in Switzerland after graduating from EPFL in physics in 1993. He obtained his doctorate degree in 2000 in optical information processing from the California Institute of Technology. Christophe co-founded and was the CEO of Ondax, Inc. (acquired by Coherent) in Monrovia, California.