Rethinking Securitization and Ontological Security in the Wake of Catastrophe

Date and Time Date and Time

2023-09-29 09:15

2023-09-29 10:15

Map Location

Zoom & Kule 2

Rethinking Securitization and Ontological Security in the Wake of Catastrophe

As a member of the Jean Monnet Network, SECUREU (Securitization of Migrants and Ethnic Minorities and the Rise of Xenophobia in the EU), Koc University is organizing a one-day conference on Rethinking Securitization and Ontological Security in the Wake of Catastrophe. The keynote address, ‘Sacralisation vs. Securitisation in responding to catastrophe’ will be delivered by Pinar Bilgin, Bilkent University. Those interested in participating in person or over zoom should fill out the form.

Speaker Information

Prof. Dr.Pınar Bilgin