“Sketching” into the future of AI

Date and Time Date and Time

2023-05-04 12:30

2023-05-04 12:30

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“Sketching” into the future of AI

Humans sketch, from historic times in caves, to the time being by scribbling on phones and tablets. As Artificial Intelligence (AI) learns to see and perceive the world around us (aka computer vision), understanding how humans sketch plays an important and fundamental role in casting insights into the human visual system, and in turn informing AI model designs. This talk is all about sketches, summarising over a decade of research from the SketchX Research Lab at the University of Surrey. By the end, it hopes to convey how sketch research can inform the future of AI, both in terms of fundamental theory and applications that could revolutionise the status quo.

Speaker Information

Yi-Zhe Song, University of Surrey