Ne Olacak Bu Yusuf'un Hali

Date and Time Date and Time

2023-10-18 23:00

2023-10-18 23:00

Map Location

Sevgi Gönül Oditoryumu

Ne Olacak Bu Yusuf'un Hali

“NE OLACAK BU YUSUF UMUT’UN HALİ” from Theater Hemhal will be on stage at SGKM on Wednesday, October 18th at 8:00 PM! Yusuf Umut is narrating his own journey in pursuit of an undefined yet irresistible freedom. Will this freedom eventually bring Yusuf Umut closer to the environment he's been searching for? Can it rescue him from the world of sofas, rules, and boundaries? **The theater play will be in Turkish.

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