Gıda israfı ve Gıda Kaynaklı Hastalıklar Artık Daha Kolay Önlenebilir!

Gıda israfı ve Gıda Kaynaklı Hastalıklar Artık Daha Kolay Önlenebilir!

Release Date 2023-07-07 21:00

Science & Technology

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Three of our faculty members have been recognized by Europe’s most prestigious funds.

Asst. Prof. Aslı E. Mert from the Sociology Department has been chosen by the Horizon Europe Program as one of the partners of the “Twinning Research and Innovation Institutions to Design and Implement Inclusive GEPs (NEXUS) Project”. Prof. Demircan Canadinç, from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, received the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation’s Humboldt Research Award for his studies on characterizing metallic materials using multiscale experimental and computational methods, designing microstructures and alloys using artificial intelligence, improving the performance of metals under monotonic and cyclic loads, and designing metallic biomedical materials.