Images, Language, and Actions: The Three Ingredients of Robot Learning

Date and Time Date and Time

2023-10-31 17:30

2023-10-31 17:30

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Images, Language, and Actions: The Three Ingredients of Robot Learning

Most of the major recent breakthroughs in AI have relied on training huge neural networks on huge amounts of data. But what about a breakthrough in real-world robotics? One of the challenges is that physical robotics data is very scarce, and very expensive to collect. To address this, my team and I have been developing very data-efficient methods for robots to learn new tasks through human demonstrations. Using these methods, we are now able to quickly teach robots a range of everyday tasks, such as hammering in a nail, inserting a plug into a socket, and scooping up an object with a spatula. However, even with these efficient methods, providing human demonstrations can be laborious. Therefore, we have also been exploring the use of off-the-shelf neural networks trained on web-scale data, such as OpenAI’s DALL-E and GPT, to act as a robot’s “imagination” or its “internal monologue” when solving new tasks. Through this talk, we will explore the importance of image, language, and action data in robotics, as the three ingredients for scalable robot learning.

Speaker Information

Edward Johns, Robot Learning Lab at Imperial College London